Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How do I know I picked a winner?

Because he always takes time to read his children a book, give them a cuddle, jump with them on the tramp.

Because he loves to hear our funny story in the middle of his busy day.

Because when he’s at a dinner conference, he remembers to bring me home a dessert and tells me he wishes I were there.

Because he would rather be with his family than anyone else.

Because he shows his children that above all, he loves and respects their mother.

Because he makes up his own strange bedtime stories for the boys that seem to have a surprising moral twist in the end.

Because when he makes a return, he usually gives me the store credit because he knows I’ll like it.

Because he teaches his sons how to do things and how to work.

Because he always backs me. We are a united front.

Because he lets me read aloud to him on long road trips.

Because when I’ve had enough, he supports me going for a drive.

Because he always encourages me in anything I want to learn to do.

Because he plants beautiful flowers in our backyard and tells me that he plants them for me.

Because he can fix things.

Because he makes each of his children feel special and has a great relationship with each of them.

Because he works so hard, yet never looses sight of who he is doing it all for and what is truly important.

Because he knows me better than I know myself, and that still catches me off guard.

Because he can fall asleep in the middle of a sentence.

Because he includes me in all important decisions and respects my input.

Because he is the only man I know that will join in during a silly song or dance with no shame.

Because he is the king of pun, always clever with his mocking word play.

Because he loves politics more than sports, though he can hold his own during any sports game. The guy is very coordinated.

Because he loves to share entrees with me when we go out to dinner.

Because he would promise me the moon if he thought he could deliver.

Because he is just adorable in every possible manly way.

Because sometimes it seems like our day never truly begins until he is home.

Because he is ours and we could never have another.


janna said...

I second all that you have said about your neat husband. I have only one son-in-love (as Grandma Faust would call him) and he is amazing! Thank you Melissa for bringing him into our family. We love and respect you Jamison-love janna

Amanda said...

Aaaww, three cheers to Jamie! He really is a neat guy; I've only spent a small amount of time with him, but he seems the epitome of friendly and warm and you two seem to truly care deeply for one another.

Nice photo montage!

Kelly McCann said...

I am so glad we have found each other's blogs! I love reading about your family's life and feeling more connected. I loved the post you wrote about your mom so I copied it and send a letter to my dad with 30 reasons why I love him. Thanks so much!

Heather said...

Hi!! Its Heather, Matt's wife! What a darling blog you have! What a great fun, and exciting mom you are. It was great seeing you guys, keep in touch!!

Anna said...

I have been enjoying reading your blog and getting to know you better. As I suspected, you are pretty awesome, and your family is so beautiful. I look forward to future posts and have always been glad when our paths crossed in real life.